When it comes to purchasing tires, you are essentially getting exactly what you pay for. There are many different characteristics you need to determine when replacing one, two, or all of the tires of your vehicle. Visiting your local tire shop is normally the best thing to do when you realize you need new tires or if you want further details about when and how to purchase tires. However, the most important thing to consider is when to replace a tire(s) in your car which is often determined by how much the tire itself has “worn out”. Standard protocol suggests that tires are labelled as “worn out” when the tread’s depth has decreased at least 1/16th of an inch. Under wet conditions such as a rainy day, a loss of 2/16th of an inch will lead to noticeable losses of traction while under snowy conditions, a loss of 3/16th of an inch will lead to noticeable losses of traction, but it is always important to visit your local tire shop for more details about tread wearing. Next, it is important to consider how many tires you will be replacing from your car because it is not uncommon to find that only one or two of the four tires will need to be replaced. If you will only be replacing one tire, then standard protocol suggests that you find a tire of similar make, brand name, and speed and load ratings as the remaining tires in the vehicle. This way, you are balancing the car with equivalent characteristics that are most ideal for optimal driving. If you find yourself needing to replace two tires in your car, then follow the same idea of finding similar quality tires, and place the two new tires on the rear portion of the vehicle if it is rear-wheel drive, or in the front portion if it is front-wheel drive. The most ideal scenario is to replace all four tires, although realistically this is also the most costly option, but it leaves you with more options and assurance that your will have better balance amongst all the wheels which means better safety. But what most customers want to know is what gives them the best bang for their buck. At your local tire shop, you can also speak with an expert who can help you determine the miles of service that you will get for the tire, and compare that to the cost of the tire which will give you the cost per mile. This rating can tell you which tire will give you the most mileage before the need for a change, a helpful characteristic to keep in mind when on a budget.
If your looking to have quality service that you can rely on, book your appointment for your tires, brakes, tune up, engine and suspension repair with Nascar Automotive Mechanical Service in Toronto.